Some Art Works and CLASS-sponsored events (receptions, fundraisers) are held at the Litchfield Exchange; others (Moveable Feasts, Kimbel Concert Series, and Women's Retreats) are held other locations.

Click on class number 542 here or below to complete the enrollment form:

542 - The Salt Marsh Diaries

Instructor: Anton DuMars
Dates: Dec 1, 2022 to Dec 30, 2030
Time: From 12:00 AM to 12:00 AM
Materials: Book available at My Sister's Books
Class Cost: $20.00
Is Class Open? yes
Description: Captain Anton DuMars – coastal geologist, boat repairman, boat captain, and adjunct professor of geology – guides you on a charmed journey through pluff mud and spartina, waterways and wildlife (some of which are human) with comfortable expertise and humor. These "Observations from a Charter Boat Captain" span decades and continents, and share insights on our waterfronts – Alaskan, Bahamian, Great Lakes, Chesapeake Bay, and Lowcountry. Welcome aboard!
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