The Moveable Feast offers monthly luncheons featuring presenters on a broad range of cultural topics (music, art, drama, history, and some literature, mostly by local and CLASS-published authors). Each is individually priced. Email [email protected] or call 843-235-9600 for more information. Click here to register online!

Author: Brian Livingston and Nancy Udell
Date/Time: Tuesday 03/25/2025 at 11:00 AM
Book: Folkston and So Many Beeps in This House
Synopsis: Following his delightful true adventure thru-walking the Appalachian Trail in his first book, "The Habits of Squirrels," versatile author Brian Livingston takes us to a fictional legal world where the trial of Ethan McDaniel's lifetime will happen outside of the courtroom. Ethan is a young Charleston attorney eager to embark upon a prosperous legal career when his first trial takes him to Folkston, a small town in the rural South Carolina mountains. There he discovers he has prepared for everything but life. He's put up in a seedy motel, ignored by the other attorneys, and disillusioned by the slow, plodding pace of a trial. But he also makes friends with some extraordinary locals, and discovers his best skills in court will not help him when the harsh realities of the law interfere. As the trial sputters and his local adventures lead to dark and unfortunate conclusions, Ethan comes to understand that to be a great lawyer is nowhere near as important as being a great person, and he has in him the potential to be both. In this engaging and provocative examination of ambition, unlikely friendships, and socioeconomic hierarchies, Brian Livingston taps into the common desires, hurts, and short-fallings that unite us all. PLUS, colorful illustrations by new children's author Nancy Udell depict an after-school visit between Nana and her grandson Marco. While waiting for their cookies to bake, a mysterious sound sends them on a wild hunt through Nana’s new house searching for the source of the beeping. A totally relatable "grand" experience!
Restaurant: Caffe Piccolo